If you are one of the lucky few that get a chance to make a trip to the land of the wildlife this summer then its time you double checked that you are doing things the right way. First of all, don’t try to do it solo, it is recommended that you book your safari with one of the reputable Uganda safari tours. You need to make the most from your trip and that said; there is one thing you need to know when preparing for the trip: you have to be fit. Period.
I cannot emphasize the importance of getting into shape before embarking on your trip. The African terrain is rugged and you will find yourself doing a lot of trekking and walking in the wild. The only place you will not do much walking is when you go on cultural tours, then you will do a lot of socializing and talking in the native language. So it will be good to learn a few native words.
As stated earlier, fitness is one of the most overlooked and yet most critical aspect of an African safari. There is nothing worse than paying top dollars for a trip of a lifetime and not enjoy it because of your huffing and puffing. The area you intend to visit should be a guide as to what fitness level you ought to be in. Start a workout regimen at least three months to the safari, that way, your body will be able to withstand the safari and its challenges; and you will get your money’s worth of a safari.
As stated earlier, fitness is one of the most overlooked and yet most critical aspect of an African safari. There is nothing worse than paying top dollars for a trip of a lifetime and not enjoy it because of your huffing and puffing. The area you intend to visit should be a guide as to what fitness level you ought to be in. Start a workout regimen at least three months to the safari, that way, your body will be able to withstand the safari and its challenges; and you will get your money’s worth of a safari.
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